
Showing posts from July, 2021

Let's use it all now, let the kids figure out the rest...

     So as young professionals in the sustainability field (young being the key takeaway in full transparency), we are asked to define wicked problems and explain why a new type of leadership, rather than simply technical solutions are needed to solve the sustainable development challenges of the Anthropocene. So first, you might be asking what the Anthropocene is and why do I care. The Anthropocene is the proposed geological timeline marked from notable human events to have an impact on the earth and it is important because we may be seen as the biggest contributing factor to climate change. I can only speak from my humble perspective as I am a current sustainability student working my way through graduate school. Therefore, I look to define wicked problems and outline why a new type of leadership is required to address our current issues.           The definition of a wicked problem may seem easy enough if everyone was on the same page. The principles of what consists of a wicked p